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"The Journal is open access from 2020 " Print-ISSN:2320-8643, Electronic - ISSN: 2320-8651, Frequency: Half yearly (2 issues per volume)
About the Journal

International Journal of Nursing Care is a double blind peer reviewed indexed international journal which has commenced its publication from January 2013. The journal is half yearly in frequency. The journal covers all aspects of nursing care. The journal has been assigned ISSN 2320-8643 (Print Version) and ISSN 2320-8651 (Online Version). The International Journal of Nursing Care (IJONC) is indexed in numerous prestigious international databases, including Google Scholar, EBSCOhost, CINAHL, and Scilit.The journal is indexed in many international data bases.

This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open acces.

Aim and scope of Journal


    The scope of the journal encompasses a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:

    1. Clinical Nursing Practice: Original research and clinical studies focusing on evidence-based nursing interventions, patient care outcomes, nursing assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation across various healthcare settings and patient populations.

    2. Nursing Education and Professional Development: Research on nursing education pedagogy, curriculum development, clinical teaching strategies, simulation-based training, continuing education, and professional development programs for nurses at all levels of practice.

    3. Nursing Management and Leadership: Studies on nursing leadership styles, management practices, organizational behavior, workforce planning, staffing models, nursing workforce issues, and strategies to promote nurse retention, job satisfaction, and career advancement.

    4. Health Promotion and Disease Prevention: Investigations into nursing roles and responsibilities in health promotion, disease prevention, population health management, health behavior change, and community-based interventions to improve health outcomes.

    5. Patient Safety and Quality Improvement: Research on nursing contributions to patient safety initiatives, quality improvement projects, adverse event reporting systems, medication safety, infection control, and risk management strategies in healthcare settings.

    6. Evidence-Based Practice and Research Utilization: Studies on the implementation of evidence-based nursing practice, research utilization strategies, knowledge translation, barriers to evidence-based practice adoption, and innovations in evidence synthesis and dissemination.

    7. Advanced Practice Nursing: Original research and clinical studies focusing on advanced practice nursing roles, including nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, nurse anesthetists, and nurse midwives, with an emphasis on role effectiveness, scope of practice, and outcomes.

    8. Nursing Ethics and Legal Issues: Investigations into ethical dilemmas faced by nurses, informed consent, patient autonomy, confidentiality, end-of-life care, healthcare disparities, healthcare equity, and legal issues related to nursing practice and healthcare delivery.

    9. Interprofessional Collaboration and Team-Based Care: Research on interprofessional collaboration, teamwork, communication strategies, and collaborative practice models to enhance patient-centered care, interdisciplinary care coordination, and healthcare teamwork effectiveness.

    10. Global Health Nursing: Studies focusing on nursing contributions to global health initiatives, international nursing practice, cross-cultural nursing care, disaster nursing, humanitarian aid, and healthcare delivery in resource-limited settings.


    • Patient and Clinical Outcomes:To focus on the improvement of patient and clinical outcomes through innovative nursing practices, rigorous research, and continuous quality improvement initiatives.
    • Knowledge Dissemination:To disseminate high-quality research, reviews, and case studies within the field of nursing care, ensuring that practitioners,researchers, and policymakers stay informed about the latest developments and best practices in nursing.
    • Professional Development:To provide a resource for the professional development of nursing professionals, offering insights into the clinical, ethical, and policy challenges they face.
    • Interdisciplinary Dialogue:To foster interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration between nursing professionals and other healthcare providers, promoting mutual understanding and cooperative problem-solving.
    • Global Perspectives:To incorporate and highlight global perspectives on nursing care, acknowledging and comparing the variations in healthcare systems, nursing practices, and patient care across different regions and jurisdictions.
    • Policy Impact:To influence healthcare policy by providing evidence-based research and analyses that can inform legislative and regulatory decisions related to nursing and patient care.
    • Ethical Discourse:To create a platform for the discussion and debate of ethical issues in nursing, encouraging the development of consensus and best practices.
    • Nursing Education:To enhance the education of nursing professionals by providing resources and insights into advanced nursing practices, patient care techniques, and healthcare management.
    • Public Awareness:To raise public awareness about important nursing care issues, helping to inform and educate patients and the broader community about the role of nursing and the impact of nursing care on health outcomes.
    • Case Documentation:To document and analyze important case reports and clinical experiences that have significant implications for nursing practice, serving as a valuable reference for nursing professionals.
    • Evidence-Based Practice:To explore and enhance the role of evidence-based practice in nursing, addressing the challenges and standards for the implementation of research findings in clinical settings.

Target Readership:

  • Nursing Professionals: This includes registered nurses, nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, nurse educators, nurse managers, and nurse researchers who are looking to stay updated on the latest research, best practices, and innovations in nursing care.
  • Healthcare Providers: Physicians, pharmacists, physiotherapists, and other allied health professionals who collaborate with nurses and are interested in interdisciplinary approaches to patient care.
  • Nursing Students: Undergraduate and graduate nursing students who are seeking to enhance their knowledge, understand current trends in nursing practice, and engage with evidence-based research.
  • Healthcare Administrators: Hospital administrators, nursing home directors, and other healthcare managers who are responsible for implementing nursing policies and improving patient care standards within their organizations.
  • Researchers and Academics: Individuals involved in nursing and healthcare research who are looking for platforms to publish their work, as well as to keep abreast of new findings and methodologies in the field.
  • Policymakers: Government officials, regulatory bodies, and healthcare policymakerswho need evidence-based information to make informed decisions about healthcare regulations, nursing standards, and patient care policies.
  • Educators: Nursing school faculty and educators who require current research and case studies to incorporate into their curricula and to inform their teaching practices.
  • International Organizations: Representatives from international health organizations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who are focused on global health issues and nursing practices around the world.
  • Patients and the General Public: While not the primary audience, patients and healthcare consumers interested in understanding nursing care and patient rights may also find the journal informative.

Types of Articles

We welcome a diverse range of manuscript types for publication in the field of nursing care,including:

  • Original Research:
    • Studies presenting new and original findings related to nursing care, including clinical practices, patient outcomes, healthcare delivery, and nursing education.
  • Review Papers:
    • Comprehensive analyses of existing research on specific nursing topics,providing a thorough overview and critical insights.
    • Identification of areas for novel research and gaps in the existing literature,guiding future research directions.
  • Case Reports:
    • Detailed reports of individual or group cases providing unique insights into nursing practice, patient care, and clinical outcomes.
  • Case Studies:
    • In-depth examinations of specific nursing scenarios or interventions,highlighting practical challenges, solutions, and implications for practice.
  • Research Protocols:
    • Detailed plans and methodologies for proposed or ongoing research studies in the field of nursing care.
  • Policy Reviews:
    • Analyses of current healthcare policies and regulations, examining their implications for nursing practice, patient care, and healthcare systems.
    • Discussions on policy reforms and their potential impact on nursing and patient outcomes.
  • Commentaries and Editorials:
    • Rigorous and well-substantiated opinions and analyses on current issues in nursing care and healthcare delivery.
  • Book Reviews:
    • Critical evaluations of books that contribute to the scholarly discourse within the field of nursing care.
  • Systematic Reviews:
    • Structured reviews that follow a specific methodology to synthesize existing research on nursing topics.
  • Meta-Analyses:
    • Quantitative analyses that combine data from multiple studies to derive overall conclusions relevant to nursing care.
  • Letters to the Editor:
    • Thoughtful and concise discussions or critiques of recently published articles in the journal, or calls for exploration and research on specific nursing topics.
  • Brief Reports:
    • Short communications of preliminary findings or novel methodologies in nursing research.
  • Technical Notes:
    • Descriptions of new techniques, tools, or methodologies relevant to nursing practice and research.

Please note:

  • We do not publish standalone survey results. Submissions should include a clear research hypothesis and conclusive findings.
  • Each submission should uphold the highest standards of ethical research and contribute to advancing knowledge and practice in nursing care.

Publication Schedule:

International Journal of Nursing Care (IJONC) maintains a half-yearly publication schedule, releasing two issues per year consistently since its inception. Authors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts at any time, knowing that our journal is committed to timely and regular publication.

Important Information regarding Article Processing Charges (APC)
  1. Manuscript Submission fee - There is no fee for manuscript submission. Manuscript can be submitted any time. Submission is always open
  2. Manuscript Processing Charges- We charge for manuscript processing from authors. Authors must pay charges only if the article is accepted for publication. The charges are per article. If some author does not want to pay, he can withdraw his article.

  3. Charges Information
    1. India and SAARC countries- Indian Rupees 1000/-
    2. Rest of world - US $100

    Archiving Policy:

    The International Journal of Nursing Care (IJONC) became an Open Access journal in 2020. All issues post-2020 are archived in repositories such as PKP PN (Public Knowledge Project), LOCKSS and CLOCKSS, Crossref, and EBSCOhost, as well as on the journal's websites (IJNC and OJS).

    Access to Articles and Supplementary Materials:

    The International Journal of Nursing Care (IJONC) became an Open Access journal in 2020. All issues post-2020 are archived in repositories such as PKP PN (Public Knowledge Project), LOCKSS and CLOCKSS, Crossref, and EBSCOhost, as well as on the journal's websites (IJNC and OJS).

    Manuscript Versions:

    The International Journal of Nursing Care (IJONC) maintains all versions of submitted manuscripts in its database. These versions are preserved either via email, in HDD format, or within the OJS system.


    Authors are permitted to self-archive the accepted and pre-published versions of their articles on personal websites or deposit them in any repository. After publication, when posting any version of the manuscript, proper acknowledgment to the original source of publication is required, along with a link to the published article on the journal's website. The link should include the DOI number in the following format:"The final publication is available at via (insert DOI and remove brackets)". There are no embargoes associated with any version of the manuscript.

    Previous versions of the article on non-commercial pre-print servers, such as SSRN, may be retained or updated with the author's accepted version. However, after publication, authors must acknowledge the final publication and provide a link to the article on the journal's website, including the DOI number in the sentence:"The final publication is available at International Journal of Nursing Care, via (insert DOI and remove brackets)".

    Copyright and Licensing Policy:
    • Copyright Ownership:Authors retain copyright ownership of their work after publication in the International Journal of Nursing Care (IJONC). However, they grant the journal an exclusive Creative Commons license.
    • Creative Commons License:Authors grant the International Journal of Nursing Care (IJONC) the right to exclusively apply a Creative Commons license to their work upon publication.This license permits use, distribution, and reproduction of the work in any medium, provided that the original work and its source are properly cited. The specific license applied is which allows for attribution, non-commercial use and derivative works.
    • Editorial Research: Authors grant the journal the right to analyze information obtained from submitted manuscripts for editorial research purposes. This analysis aims to improve the peer-review process, teaching, and training activities.
    • Warranties: Authors warrant that their work is original, contains no libelous statements, is lawful, and does not infringe upon any copyright, trademark, patent, or proprietary rights of others. Authors agree to indemnify the editors against any costs, expenses, and damages arising from any breach of this warranty.
    • Views and Opinions: The views and opinions expressed in the article are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the journal.
    Revenue Sources:
    • Print Copies: We provide hard copies of the journal to colleges and universities.
    • Author Publishing Charges: Reasonable publication fees are charged only upon acceptance of the article for publication. There are no charges for manuscript submission.
    • Advertising and Sponsorship:For advertising inquiries, please contact the editorial office at Our advertising policy can be accessed below.
    Advertising Policy

    Link to our advertising Policy-here

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    Institute of Medico-Legal Publications Logix Office Tower, Unit No. 1704, Logix City Centre Mall
    Sector- 32, Noida - 201 301 (Uttar Pradesh)

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